Summer 2023 Music on Broadway
Summer 2023 Music on Broadway

It's been a whirlwind of a summer and we're amazed that August is more than half over! Tomorrow night is our 2nd summer music series event for Music On Broadway! We've pushed it out on our social media channels and newsletter often with promos in our monthly edition of South Bay Neighbor. This time the showmobile sponsored by the Town of Oyster Bay will be at the south end of Broadway by Washington Ave. instead of up by Powell Ave.
We're so excited for our August 19th performer Beyond Fab which is a Beatles tribute band. There's been a revival of popularity of their music in the area lately so we're glad to have them featured as our headliner. Last month we had a really cool country band called The Joe D Band, they did a fantastic job with the genre of hits
As our minds refocus on Back to School and Autumn approaching our chamber will also shift gears with many plans in the works but for now, it's Summer and the concert is forecast for great weather. Please bring your own chair and stop by our members on display and visit our chamber table for a special selection of giveaways! And let us know you've read our post!